*Website currently under construction 

Chives (pictured above) 

Pink ruffle poppy (below) 

Lupine (lupinus)

$ 3.99 USD

Heirloom Lupine  (Lupinus)

This beautiful flower is a fairly hardy, deer resistant, perennial flower that does not require too much water & will come back year after year. Very colorful blooms throughout spring and summer.

*This flower will often also reseed itself

$3.99 per packet

Approx 50 seeds per packet  



Blanket Flower (Gaillardia)

$ 2.99 USD

Blanket Flower (Gaillardia) Very hardy, drought, heat and deer resistant perennial flower that comes back and will reseed itself year after yeear.

Adds excellent color to a garden!

$2.99 per packet approx. 200-300 seeds per packet 

FREE Shipping & Handling 

*contact us for larger orders or for specific seeds/wildflower/flower seed mixes: DirtyGirlGardens@gmail.com